Product details
Carpentry is a natural and fine craftsmanship works.
Having some wood tones and aroma at home will enrich our lifestyles, warming the entire atmosphere.
Create your very own unique cypress chopsticks using wood planer, and soldering iron pen to leave your signature on it.
Hand plane, sandpaper polishing, soldering, and maintenance.
Woodworks: 1 pair of Cypress Chopsticks
Duration: around 45-60 minutes
Age Limitation: Require for ages 12 and up
Booking a Course
Ordering from this page, and note the planned date and time.
Houli Woodworking Workshop
Store Hours: Mon. – Sun.; 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.
Reservation Hours: Mon. – Sun.; 09:30 a.m. – 03:00 p.m.
Address: No. 4-12, Jiuzun Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City
Navigation: No. 105 Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City
Other Information
1. Order 2 to start carpentry course.
2. Courses are separated from other products. Order separately.
3. When the order is settled. You will receive an inform email. When the payment is made. You will receive a Ticket inform email.
4. Ticket QR code will be needed for the staff to verify course.
5. Carpentry lesson takes longer or shorter time to finish depending on personal situation. Make sure you have enough time.
6. Please arrive 10 minutes earlier with the Ticket QR code.
7. If any changing of date please contact us, 48 hours earlier.
8. Ordering course requires 48 hours in advanced.
9. We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions for the course.
Verified ticket cannot be refund.